Ideas For Making Your Apartments More Pet-Friendly


If you allow residents to keep pets in their apartments, they will generally be thankful. Not all landlords allow pets, and pet owners can therefore struggle to find a home where they can live in peace and comfort with their furry companions. In addition to simply allowing pets, though, you might also want to employ some of these tips to make your apartments more pet-friendly.

Switch the carpets out for hard floors.

Carpeted floors and pets don't always mix well. The carpet will cling to pet hair, and it will also trap in pet odors. If one pet has an accident on the carpet, the pets of future renters may keep trying to use the bathroom in the same area. As such, a good way to make your apartments more pet-friendly is to switch out any carpets for hard floors. Sheet vinyl floors are relatively inexpensive, as are those made from vinyl tile. If residents want a softer floor, they can put down an area rug. Area rugs are easier to clean or even replace if a pet has an accident on them.

Offer a pet bathing station.

If there's a shared area in the basement of the apartment building, or maybe a laundry area you allow residents to use, consider adding a sink for pet bathing in that area. Having such a sink will keep residents from trying to bathe their pets in their bathtubs. As such, you are likely to have fewer issues with scratched bath tubs and damaged shower doors over the years if you install a designated pet-washing sink. Make sure all residents with pets know about the sinks. You could send an email or post about them on your social media pages.

Install pet waste stations.

Put a few sturdy trash cans around the apartment grounds. Label them "pet waste station." Consider also mounting some holders for plastic bags on the trash cans. This encourages pet owners to pick up after their pets and gives them an easy way of doing so. The yards and grounds around your apartments will stay cleaner, which should make all of your residents happier, whether or not they have pets.

If you are offering pet-friendly apartments for rent, it's a good idea to make sure your apartments are truly pet-friendly. Try incorporating some of the features above. Making a few small changes to your apartments over time can make them an even better place for your tenants to live with their animal companions.


10 March 2022

Choosing the Right Accommodations for Your Trip

Going on vacation is supposed to be a time of relaxation and stress relief, but that can be hard to do if you’re stuck in a cramped hotel or there aren’t any amenities to keep you comfortable during your stay. So finding reliable and convenient hotel accommodations for your trip should be at the top of your to-do list when making preparations. By considering how your time will be spent while away from home, you should be able to quickly come up with a list of must-have amenities to look for in potential accommodations. You should even make a list of questions to ask before making a final decision. This website is filled with tips, tricks, and insight that can be used to ensure that any trip, whether for business or pleasure, always fits your uniquely personal needs.